Kapamilya actress Maris Racal has confirmed that she will not be attending the prestigious Toronto International Film Festival (TIFF), where her film "Sunshine", the...
Jeon Cyrus, a contestant on It's Showtime's “KalokaLike” segment, has addressed harsh criticism and hate comments after impersonating his idol, P-pop supergroup SB19’s Stell...
Content creator Erwan Heussaff addressed a curious fan's comment on Instagram about his wedding ring and his marriage to actress-host Anne Curtis.
The exchange began...
Leyte 4th District Rep. Richard Gomez has addressed the backlash he received after venting his frustrations about being stuck in EDSA traffic.
The actor-turned-politician clarified...
Former Miss Universe 2018 Catriona Gray has revealed a traumatic experience during her recent trip to London.
In an Instagram story posted on Saturday,...
SM Entertainment has announced that Taeil, a member of the popular K-pop group NCT, is stepping down from the group following serious accusations related...