Jack Ma donates 500,000 COVID-19 testing kits, 1 million masks to US


Jack Ma, the richest man of China, is donating half a million testing kits and one million masks to the United States to aid the country in its fight against the coronavirus pandemic.

After providing the much-needed protective equipment to combat the coronavirus in Japan, Korea, Italy, Iran and Spain, the Jack Ma Foundation and Alibaba Foundation have sourced and readied a massive supply of masks and testing kits for Americans. 

US has over 1,600 confirmed cases and 41 total deaths as of Friday, March 13.

The AFP reported that “the US government has come under heavy criticism for the slowness of testing for the virus, and public health officials have rebuked President Donald Trump for playing down the seriousness of the fast-spreading pandemic”.

“Drawing from my own country’s experience, speedy and accurate testing and adequate protective equipment for medical professionals are most effective in preventing the spread of the virus,” the founder of e-commerce giant Alibaba said in a statement released on Twitter. 

The Chinese tycoon believes that the pandemic we are facing today can “no longer be resolved by any individual country” but “we need to combat the virus by working hand-in-hand”. 

“At this moment we can’t beat this virus unless we eliminate boundaries to resources and share our know-how and hard-earned lessons,” he added.

He concluded the statement with the infamous “United we stand, divided we fall!” phrase.
