‘Sorry to disappoint rumormongers’: Juan Ponce Enrile says he’s still alive and doesn’t have COVID-19


Former Senate President Juan Ponce Enrile has dispelled rumors about him being tested positive for the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) and even being dead. 

The 96-year-old politico has responded to netizens who kept asking about his whereabouts through a statement published in his personal account on Facebook. 

“Some people are asking if I am dead, or if I have COVID 19. Well, I am sorry to disappoint the rumormongers. I am still alive, and I do not have COVID 19. Thank God!!” he said.

He went on to say: “Enjoy your silliness, rumormongers. You might get what you are wishing for me. I will pray for your soul and health.” 

The former senator has been quite a favorite topic online and has been tagged as a “living legend” for seemingly being immortal since news on COVID emerged online.

This certain tweet by a netizen on Twitter has created a ripple of tongue-in-cheek tweets about Enrile’s “immunity”.

According to a 2019 STAR report, Enrile’s secret to longevity is eating saluyot or jute but less rice, as well as regular eight-hour sleep and daily exercise. He reportedly continues to read “books on economy, foreign policy, history and geography as well as using the internet to research on trending issues” to keep his mind sharp.

While no longer serving in an elective office, the veteran lawmaker continues to dish out his thoughts on the country’s hottest political issues through his official Facebook page.
