Doug, Chesca Kramer mark 19 years of togetherness

Doug and Chesca Kramer are going strong at 19 years together. 

The celebrity couple took to social media to pen the sweetest, lengthy messages for each other on their anniversary, October 9. 

On Chesca’s Instagram post, she expressed her gratitude to her husband. 

“One of the things I am most grateful about is the time we both give each other to talk. Those conversations make me feel validated, honored, and heard. Best of all, I also get to know you better and know what is in your heart. I love knowing you and I love growing with you,” she wrote. 

The mom of three also thanked Doug for taking the lead in her relationship with Jesus. 

She added: “And because of that, with so much gratitude and love I credit God for all of his goodness – because beyond all our imperfections he has sustained us with his truth and commands.”

Meanwhile on Doug’s Instagram post, he wrote a list of all the things he and his wife have done to make their relationship reach to 19 years. 

One of the activities on his list is praying together and acknowledging how they need Jesus in their marriage. 

“His grace sustains us and makes us want to work on our marriage every single day,” he said. 

The two tied the knot way back on October 9, 2008, making their 19th anniversary together also their 14th wedding anniversary. 

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