Billy Crawford and Coleen Garcia celebrate 2 years of marriage

Celebrity couple Billy Crawford and Coleen Garcia celebrated their second wedding anniversary on Monday, April 20. The two took to Instagram to pen each other their sweet messages. 

Billy wrote how thankful he is for having an “angel” to always guide him. 

“To my love, my everything, thank you. Thank you for loving me through my everyday hardhead times, driving you nuts, and giving you different tones that piss you off,” eh wrote. 

For her part, Coleen said that their simple celebration has taught her that the simplest things are what truly matter. 

“You’re the best partner I could ever want, because you’re the one God gave me. Our celebration this year is simple, but this season has taught me that all the simplest, most basic things we have are what truly matter,” she wrote. 

“I’m so thankful for you, for today, for the family we have, this home we share, the memories we keep, and the future we have together,” she ended. 

Coleen and Billy tied the knot two years ago with a beach wedding in Balesin Island. 

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