Nico Bolzico, Solenn Heussaff get candid about intimacy after pregnancy

Solenn Heussaff and Nico Bolzico got really honest about the big changes in their relationship as a couple after welcoming their firstborn baby Thylane early this year.

In a YouTube video, the celebrity husband and wife drew from personal experience to address “myths” about being new parents, including “having a baby wrecks your sex life.”

Nico said, “For me, after the women give birth, it’s on them. We just need to wait as long as they need because we didn’t go through pregnancy. We supported them through pregnancy, guys, but we got nothing to do (with what they went through during) pregnancy.”

“They are the bosses. If they want to go back into action, we should be ready. If they want to wait, we should be ready. If they want to try and then stop, we should be ready. If they want to go into a different direction from what you were used to before, we should be ready,” the Argentinian businessman added.

Solenn was candid enough to say that she’s somewhat scared of having intimate moments with her husband after giving birth last January 1.

“Personally, that was a C-section, and I don’t know if this is subconsciously, in my head, but we are chopped down there from nine different layers. So, I’m still a little bit scared and I’m not yet ready to be quite honest. I know it’s been a while, and some moms here would be like, ‘What?!’ But that’s the truth,” she admitted.  

To which, her husband replied: “I’m ready, I’m waiting and I’m not in a rush.”

The actress-painter also recalled how she was feeling depressed during the first few months after her pregnancy.

“The body changes, it’s not the body that you used to know, it’s just different and for some people, it’s hard to understand and hard to accept. I was depressed, I think, for the first two months. I just felt gross, I couldn’t look at myself in the mirror. I didn’t fit in my clothes, I didn’t even open my closet, I was literally living in my sweatpants,” she shared.

“When did it change?” asked Nico.

“It changed after the sixth month, I would say. It’s a good six months when you start feeling yourself again, you won’t feel it after a few months, and I didn’t want to let go (of myself) because at the end of the day, if I feel happy, if I feel fit, then I eat right. I’ll be happy, if I feel happy. I’ll do good things for my child,” Solenn replied, then continued, “And a happy mom is…”

“Is the best mom,” Nico finished the sentence, but not without adding some advice to fellow fathers. “For the dads out there, we should be able to give them the time that they need to recover, you need to be fully supportive. If you’re hands-on, hats off to you.”

When asked about the myth that “having a baby ruins your life,” Nico reacted, “That’s the stupidest myth I’ve ever heard.”

Solenn agreed, “I have learned so much being a mom. I have learned a new side of me that I didn’t know before whom I love. I can’t remember life without my child. I’m the happiest I could be right now because of my child. It doesn’t ruin your life. It changes your plans, yes. It changes the logistics in your life, yes. But, definitely, it doesn’t ruin anything.”

Nico said that the effect is the opposite, even making your “life a thousand times better.”

He continued, “The most important is having a child also makes you a better person, makes you more humble, makes you shift priorities…

“We all work so hard but sometimes our priorities are mostly material. (With a baby) now your priorities become different and you begin to see the world in different eyes, you want a better world for your child. You want to do better, you want a better world, because there’s someone more important than yourself,” he said.

Watch their #realtalk here:

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