Here’s how you can complete the Paskong Pinoy experience with the right choice of ham

Now that we can finally celebrate a safe holiday with our loved ones, make sure the feast is complete with only the finest Christmas staples.  

When we talk about our Noche Buena essentials, isn’t ham the first thing that pops in your mind?  

Take a trip back in time with us and remember those moments when you were snacking on ham while waiting for the clock to strike 12 on the 24th of December or when you first got a whiff of its sweet and savory aroma while it’s still in the kitchen.  

As far back as we can remember, our classic Pinoy handaan during the holidays was not just completed – but perfected by a premium holiday ham. As Filipinos whose main love language is quality time over warm meals and drinks, a celebration without ham is just not the same.  

This year as we reunite with our loved ones, choosing the best ham to champion the Christmas spirit through our tables just got easier with CDO Holiday Ham.

The ever-versatile Christmas classic is swak na swak for all taste buds in the family as it could be served in different ways like as the essential ulam with rice, a filling in between tasty bread, and even as part of cheese boards – the options are endless.  

With CDO, you’re guaranteed a 100% premium ham with just the right balance of salty and sweet that you can’t say no to. From the sweet pineapple glaze coating the smoky-flavored ham, even the pickiest of eaters wouldn’t pass on this.  

It’s not just the star of your Noche Buena spread, it could also be gifted to friends, family, and colleagues so that they can get the full-blown Paskong Pinoy experience too.  

Hmon and Taste It! Grab your CDO Holiday Ham and other CDO Christmas Ham in supermarkets nationwide and CDO Food Stores near you.  

Check out CDO Holiday Ham on Facebook to stay updated.  

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