Kathryn Bernardo flaunts toned body, gives quarantine workout tips

We just found our new fitspiration!

Kapamilya star Kathryn Bernardo took to Instagram to show off her hard-earned abs from the quarantine period.

In her post, the actress explained that she swore to herself to exercise at least three times a week to keep herself fit and healthy. 

“Thanks to online and Zoom workout classes, I actually ended up working out almost every day! You just need to find out the right fitness routine for you, and I swear you’ll enjoy the process along the way,” she said. 

“Tip: Start with 15mins per day first and adjust it from there based on what your body can handle! There are lots of free ab/full-body workout routines that you can check on YouTube for reference,” the 24-year-old said. 

Check out Kathryn’s post-workout selfies below:

During the quarantine period, Kathryn focused on her mental wellbeing as well. She has been updating her followers in her journey as a bookworm. 

As per her fans’ request, she has been reading a number of Mitch Albom novels. 

In another post, Kathryn thanked the author for his heartfelt stories. Mitch Albom, himself, thanked her for the compliment. 

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